flip flop can really lose weight lose weight?
A popular folk called "reflexology" remote health care methods that can be divided into the plantar and palm many different areas, corresponding to the various parts of the body's internal organs, as long as the stimulation of these regions will cause a corresponding part of the body produce a therapeutic effect even from these regions will be able to see where the sick. This theory gave birth to lose weight flip flop, Massage steering wheel cover other products, particularly energy known as "thin legs" Diet flip flop, much of the beauty of many women welcome. However, the medical profession has the human anatomy based remote link is not found, the so-called "reflex" probably does not exist, for foot massage, also not shown to influence the course of any human disease. Medical experts remind, wearing the insole with raised and the short length of the flip flop will not be able to lose weight lose weight, but can lead to fat people plantar soft tissue disorders occur and may even cause ataxia and falls.
Reflexology, also known as regional therapy, reflexology, the principle is the hand, the foot of each region representing the various parts of the body, such as heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney and other organs, were each hand, foot massage area Massage can stimulate the energy, blood, nutrients, or the flow of nerve impulses corresponding part of the body, resulting in therapeutic efficacy, including relieve stress, toxins from the body, promote blood circulation, weight loss, anti-aging, improve health and other internal organs. Reflexology practitioners mostly masseur, call this method to treat deafness, hair loss, anemia, hemorrhoids, emphysema, heart disease, bronchitis, convulsions and other dozens of children's diseases, it was also claimed success for "the length of the legs" extending the short-legged people.
Some reflexology masseur claims that by looking at the color of the hands and feet and other areas, we can diagnose abnormalities of the corresponding part of the body, hands and feet also depict specific "reflection map." There are similar "iridology" and "paste ear", respectively, iris and ear region corresponding to the body's internal organs on the so-called "iris analysis" is by looking at the iris texture spots in other parts of the body to diagnose disease, The "stick Ear" is to use beads, pills and other oppressed pinna to teletherapy other body parts of the disease.
? Co-founder of the National Anti-Fraud Committee of Health, Dr. Stephen Barrett believes that the above-mentioned "reflection," saying there is no scientific basis for the so-called "reflex" but people of imaginary, human anatomy has not been confirmed - it is safe to say that they do not exist. Some masseurs said diseases are caused by mental stress, reflexology can relieve stress, thereby adjuvant therapy, but Barrett believes this is "vague verbiage."